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Village Groups

Below is information about groups and organisations active in Minster Lovell. If you would like to have your village organisation listed (free of charge), then please forward your submission to the Clerk at

Village library – the library has amalgamated with the Coffee and Chat group on Wednesday mornings (see below) so is no longer open on Tuesdays. If you cannot attend on a Wednesday but would like to borrow a book, please get in touch. We are not able to take any more books at the moment.

Coffee and Chat and library – contact Wendy Atkinson.

T: 01993 776059

M: 07811833557


This is a weekly session held at St Kenelm’s Village Hall every Wednesday morning. Drop in to join us anytime between 10am and 12 noon. This is a warm, friendly social gathering run by volunteers for all ages.

We have cakes, biscuits, toasted goods and a variety of drinks available for a small donation. Everyone is welcome so please come and join us.

Minster Lovell Playgroup – Contact name: Vicki Wright

Contact telephone number: 01993 705645

Contact email address:

The Playgroup is located behind St. Kenelm’s School. We are open Monday and Friday, 9-12 midday and 9-3pm Tuesdays – Thursday and take children from 2-5 years old.  We serve the local area and surrounding villages. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, received a Good Ofsted Report in 2023. There are four members of staff and we welcome parent helpers. The Playgroup will support children with special needs and/or learning difficulties. More information can be found on our website: or our Facebook page.

Minster Lovell Baby & Toddler Group –Contact Lucy Abraham

T: 07917 768122

Minster Lovell Baby and Toddler Group is held on Friday mornings from 10.00am-11.30am in St Kenelm’s Hall, Brize Norton Road. Entry is £2.50 and runs all through term time only. Everyone welcome.

Minster Lovell W.I.

Minster Lovell W.I. meets monthly, usually in St Kenelm’s Hall, on the 2nd Monday of each month at  7.30 pm.  New members always welcome.

The Lighthouse Church – Contact Stephen and Annette Hodge

T: 01993 778539

The Lighthouse Church, part of Church Of the Nations International, is based in a home in Old Minster Lovell. We want to share the love of God, to build community and allow Jesus to change lives. Our church meetings are informal, family times and include sharing a meal singing, prayer and teaching from the Bible in a way that is relevant to our daily lives. We would like to invite you to join us at one of our meetings, alternatively any prayer requests can be given by telephone or popped through our letterbox. We meet most Wednesdays at 6.30 p.m. at Rose Cottage, and at other times during the week in various places.

Minster Lovell Methodist Church – Contact Mrs. Dawn Haley, Senior Steward

T: 01993 775675

M: 07769110821


Sunday services begin at 11.00 am and currently are between 45 minutes and one hour. Every one of all ages is welcome to our events.

The services are led by one of the West Oxfordshire Methodist Circuit Ministers or a local Methodist Preacher.

Please contact Dawn Haley for Pastoral confidential support, to hire the meeting room or for any general information including weddings, baptisms, funerals, and membership.

Community Counts


Community Counts is run by volunteers from the village and Church members. The aim is to be there for the community of Minster Lovell and beyond, and to that end after a village survey the first step was to open each Saturday morning for hot or cold drinks and cakes.

A variety of activities soon followed.

Refreshments are available from 10.00 to 12.00 every Saturday.

Everyone is made welcome. Please come along, enjoy the company, and meet new friends or just sit quietly and enjoy a homemade cake.

Contact Mrs. Dawn Haley

T: 01993 775675

M: 07769110821


Minster Lovell Parochial Church Council – Contact Judith Warwick

Contact telephone number: 01993 850246


The Parochial Church Council of St Kenelm’s, Minster Lovell is the body responsible for the organisation and conduct of the ecclesiastical parish of Minster Lovell.

Minster Lovell School Association

T : 01993 834825

We organise fundraising for St Kenelm’s Primary School, to aid the children’s educational needs and also any new Government directives they may need financial support with.

Minster Lovell Playing Field Trust – Contact details to follow

Minster Lovell Playing Field Trust is responsible for the play area, tennis court and car park to the rear of St Kenelm’s Hall.  The purpose of the Trust is to provide a recreational amenity for children and young people of the Village, which includes a small play area for younger children and the facility to play tennis and basketball.  Car parking facilities for St Kenelm’s Hall are also provided.  Four Trustees administer the Trust which is registered with the Charity Commission – two appointed by the Parish Council and two appointed by the Parochial Church Council.

St Kenelm’s  Village Hall Bookings

Minster Lovell Historical Society – Contact Graham Kew

Please contact Sue if you would like to book St Kenelm’s Hall (Brize Norton Road, Minster Lovell).

T 01993 775262

We meet September to April in St Kenelm’s Hall on the fourth Monday of the month (not December) at 7.30pm.  There is a summer outing to a historical venue.  Talks given on a wide range of historical subjects.  Visitors welcome, do join us!  Entry £3.00 on the door. Raffle, refreshments and friendly company..

Minster Lovell Village Trust – Contact Christine Donohue

Minster Lovell Village Trust was formed after the Silver Jubilee in 1977 to manage the sale of the Village Guide books. All profits go to village voluntary organisations to help fund specific projects. Anyone interested should contact our Chair, Christine Donohue.

Minster Lovell Scout Group – contact

Minster Lovell Scout Group are a vibrant and active Scout Group running activities for both boys and girls, Beavers (aged 6- 8 ), Cubs ( aged 8-10 1/2) and Scouts (aged 10 1/2 -14).

We meet weekly during term time and offer a range of fun and adventurous activities whatever the weather. We often camp, hike, canoe, climb and much more. If you’ve a young person who’d like to get involved get in contact with us, we’ve a few spaces available in each age section.

We’ve also space for more adult volunteers too! No one is too old or young to be involved in Scouting! Please contact for more information on our Scout Group.

Society for the Protection of Minster Lovell

The Society for the Protection of Minster Lovell is now active again.

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