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Parish Councillor vacancy

Minster Lovell Parish Council is looking for a new councillor to represent the interests of the Parish.

Published: 4 September 2024

Do you want to help make a difference by influencing decisions that affect your community?

You will be involved in areas such as community safety, housing, street lighting, allotments, playing fields, looking after the environment, rights of way and some aspects of planning and highways. A desire to help others and understand the needs of different groups in the community is an important part of your role as a councillor.

Council meetings are where you play your part as a decision maker.  There is one meeting per month and two annual meetings.

This is a voluntary and rewarding role and you will be supported through mentoring and optional courses, delivered by the Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils, which can be online or face to face.

If you would like to apply, please get in touch:             07712 705865


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